Training & Education

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Client Centred Training and Education Programs on various topics

– Dynamic Seating and Positioning
– Spasticity Management during wheelchair seating
– Seating assessment techniques
– Biomechanics of wheelchair seating
– Seating the elderly wheelchair user
– Clinical uses of Pressure Imaging
– Seating solutions for users with ALS, SCI, and MS
– Paediatric wheelchair seating
– Clinical indications for wheelchair standing
– Clinical uses and applications of secondary positioning systems
– Individual wheelchair seat cushion selection
– Aetiology and interventions of Seating Acquired Pressure Ulcers
– 24 hour postural management

In different formats, languages and for different audiences

– Workshops, lectures, seminars, custom programs
– Web based programs
– 1 hour to 1 day programs
– Communicated in German, English, Dutch or French

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